

Udify is a BERT based, multilingual multi-task model capable of predicting universal part-of-speech, morphological features, lemmas, and dependency trees simultaneously for 75 languages.


  1. Download the model from release page

  2. Install with pip:

$ pip install en_udify-0.6.0.tar.gz

All parameters and dependencies are installed now.


>>> import spacy
>>> nlp = spacy.load("en_udify")
>>> doc = nlp("Udify is a BERT based dependency parser")
>>> spacy.displacy.render(doc)

Now you can use nlp for space-delimited languages such as English and German:

>>> doc = nlp("Deutsch kann so wie es ist analysiert werden")
>>> spacy.displacy.render(doc)

Use udify with non-space-delimited languages

Switching the tokenizer allows you to use Udify for non-space-delimited languages such as Japanese. Camphr offers a useful function for this purpose: load_udify:

>>> from camphr_allennlp.udify import load_udify
>>> nlp = load_udify("ja", punct_chars=["。"])
>>> doc = nlp("日本語も解析可能です")
>>> spacy.displacy.render(doc)


To use Udify with Japanese, mecab-python3 is required. Install with pip install mecab-python3